Monday, June 29, 2009

I Am So Embarrased!

Today the electricity was being worked on so Adam took the kids over to grandma's house while I got my haircut. Addison was still asleep so I relieved Adam of the kids so he could go to work. I was sitting in my parents computer room talking to Melanie and Landon was in the living room playing. We walked out and noticed Landon was gone. The back door was open so I thought that he just went into the backyard to play on the swings. I went to go check on him and suddenly there was a knock on the front door. It was Charles the little boy who lives across the street with his nanny Amy and her daughter Abby (I am friends with Amy and we go over there to play alot) She said, "I have come to bring back Landon" I looked down and he was completely NAKED! I then found his clothes in the backyard. I guess he went back there took off his clothes and then ran across the street to see if Charles can play. Oh Boys!


erin said...

LOL! That is too funny!

joylyn said...

That is so funny!

Kimberly said...

heh heh...good times. where'd you end up getting your hair cut?

Danny Janessa, and Allan said...

That is the Funniest story. Kids do the darnest things.