Thursday, October 1, 2009

Halloween Costume Dilemma

So here is the deal. Adam is going to be the Grinch (Jim Carey version) and I am wondering what I should do for his outfit. There is one part of the movie where the Grinch is deciding to go to the town party and he tries on different outfits. One is a lederhosen. Melanie has a lederhosen for when her and Casey went to Austria so I thought it would be funny to use it. The options are to just have grinch in no clothes, in a Santa suit or in lederhosen. The Santa suit would be the easiest because I would make his jacket and hat. Then I would make "fur" pants, and gloves for the grinch part and of course paint his face. For the other options I would have to make a full body suit with more detail but it would be cool looking. I don't have much time since both Adam and I are working full time and I have the kids when I am not working. You know how it is trying to get things done with kids running around tearing the house apart. Therefore I am leaning more towards the Santa suit option. I thought it would be cool to see what people's opinion is. Take my poll to the left or on my facebook page
Thanks for helping me out!

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